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Belly dance

Your dance - the Waltz - Belly dance - And can the Tango
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We are glad to welcome you on a site Music for dances!

With us you will easily learn влaдeть cвoим тeлoм, тaнцeвaть, cвoбoднo импрoвизирoвaть пoд мyзыкy, will master modern dances, пoвыcишь cвoй прoфeccиoнaльный yрoвeнь, нayчишься движeниям and to styles, can work in clubs go-go and on a scene, will be allocated from grey club crowd and will meet many friends!

East dances or in another way belly dance - a special kind of dance which needs to be experienced. East dances it is not simple dance of east woman. It is the whole culture, originality which it is necessary to comprehend gradually, step by step, movement behind movement. It is a bit another, rather than club dances and a Latina.

Modern east dance has incorporated a mix of several cultures, however to this day differs from other kinds of dances, first of all, the unforgettable unchained and sexual rhythm.

The unusual plasticity bewitching imagination, beautiful suits. And it is possible to speak about advantage of the given dances infinitely! Not without reason in the east of girls from small age trained in belly dance craft: combinations of movements are directed on training of belly muscles and strengthening of bodies of a small basin that serves as the perfect precondition for successful sorts. If want to tighten waist muscles, to strengthen a breast and back muscles – safely go on employment on east dances, after all besides advantage they bring the present pleasure!

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